Biomacromolecular Mass Spectrometry

Nova Science Publishers, Inc.




Biomacromolecular Mass Spectrometry is a book series which covers research in the fields of biomacromolecules such as proteins, DNA, and other biopolymers studied with mass spectrometry and peripheric techniques. Cleavage and breakdown of the large molecules are often necessary for their investigation and, therefore, studies on the products are also of importance to the journal. Biomolecular mass spectrometry has become a major analytical technique during recent years driving the biosciences forward at the same time. Research tends to be more and more interdisciplinary and BMMS attempts to bridge all biomacromolecules in an effort to enhance communication among scientists. It monitors the Münster Conference on Single Cell Analysis.




In 2014, BMMS was discontinued in its present form with the 12th issue.